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Iusses setting up the Oscar with cccam or newcamd

Started by hartmood, 03 September 2022, 16:45:39

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Hey guys,

I have used a couple of years the service through a friend - unfortunately in my new country he doesn't provide a stable service for Movis***+. So I am looking to get things running with the test credentials. My existing config is based on oscam / cs378x. I never really dealt with the config so I am troubling to switch to the provided protocols newcamd or cccam. Nevertheless I replaced the existing servers with the 2 options to the reader in the oscam.server file in /etc/tuxbox of my VTI Image.

The two readers pop up but unfortunately the LiveLog shows the following:

2022/09/03 15:36:00 55DEE5E4 c      (ecm) local (1810@000000/0000/785F/8E:39C562288A0FB97A07A7F2ECCAB172FB): not found (566 ms) by cardsharingserver.com_3289397 (F/2/2/2)
2022/09/03 15:36:01 55DEE5E4 c   (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 restarting decoding requests after 0 ms with 1 enabled and 0 disabled ecmpids!
2022/09/03 15:36:01 55DEE5E4 c   (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 trying to descramble PID 0 CAID 1810 PROVID 000000 ECMPID 08F6 ANY CHID PMTPID 040F VPID 00A8
2022/09/03 15:36:01 55DEE5E4 c      (ecm) local (1810@000000/0000/785F/8E:39C562288A0FB97A07A7F2ECCAB172FB): not found (1 ms) by cardsharingserver.com_3289397 (F/2/2/2)
2022/09/03 15:36:02 55DEE5E4 c   (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 restarting decoding requests after 1 ms with 1 enabled and 0 disabled ecmpids!
2022/09/03 15:36:02 55DEE5E4 c   (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 trying to descramble PID 0 CAID 1810 PROVID 000000 ECMPID 08F6 ANY CHID PMTPID 040F VPID 00A8
2022/09/03 15:36:02 55DEE5E4 c      (ecm) local (1810@000000/0000/785F/8E:39C562288A0FB97A07A7F2ECCAB172FB): not found (0 ms) by cardsharingserver.com_3289397 (F/2/2/2)

If I use the settings of my friend it finds the keys:

2022/09/03 15:48:57 55DEE5E4 c      (ecm) local (1810@000000/0000/785F/8E:B176D5239D410B3984026A97Exxxxx): found (62 ms) by oscamTCP (P/2/2/2)
2022/09/03 15:49:08 55DEE5E4 c      (ecm) local (1810@000000/0000/785F/8E:09B4652AA088FFE8F85671C8Dxxxxx): found (946 ms) by oscamTCP (P/2/2/2)

Any idea what needs to be changed additionally?
