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CardSharing Server ENG => Questions on cardsharing server => Тема начата: fckmgd от 05 Января 2016, 14:43:43

Название: never had so many "Requests rejected"
Отправлено: fckmgd от 05 Января 2016, 14:43:43
hi all.
I have been using this service without any problem tills today. this morning i just realised that numbers are too high under "Connections history"

Last request for decoding received by the server at 11:25:09 (CET)
Channel: XXXXX
For port: XXXXX

Requests received 2385
Requests decoded 1206
Requests rejected 1179
   - Requests filtered 1179

Connections history
Last connection to the server was registered at 08:32:57 (CET) from IP address  XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX (SE)
Current connections 0
Total of connections per day 52
Connections by emulators:   - eyetvCamd 52

What can it be for reason for such a high "Requests"?  before it was like maybe hundreds, but never saw thousands, if i remember right  after 1300 request server bans the user..
Название: Re: never had so many "Requests rejected"
Отправлено: suma от 05 Января 2016, 15:23:26
Connections by emulators:   - eyetvCamd 52

I never heard of such emulator. What is it and where is it used? Do you have sat-receiver (linux or non-linux based) or DVB-card?
Please refer to the sub-forums re: Emulators and Plug-Ins https://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?board=60.0 and read what is used with our server. I wonder, how did you use your emulator up till now?
Название: Re: never had so many "Requests rejected"
Отправлено: fckmgd от 05 Января 2016, 22:34:18
This is one of the most used (one and only, and maybe best and easiest) emulator on Macintosh computers on Mac OS X with Eye TV  (app) with Elgatos supported dvb gadgets , i know personally more than 15 people that uses this emulator on their macintoshe’s, it works flawless (till this morning) i will try tonight again at home, but i believe that i already found the cause of those high numbers..

how did i use this emulator up till now? cause it is so friendly to/with all servers and it just works ;). it comes out of the box with all necessary settings that PC and linux users has to do before connecting to a cardsharing-server (like keep alive setting, filter pid things ect)
On Mac we dont have so many variety of choice (jungle) for emulators .. there is just one on Mac and thats why it is so easy to use and it just works. it supports three different protocols and one of them is newcamd which is also works totally problem-free (it is much much friendlier than cccam on mac) and thats why most of mac users looking for servers with newcamd support,u guys are one of the best in this business and one of the few that supports newcamd as protocol… and i am a loyal customer of CardsharingServer
Название: Re: never had so many "Requests rejected"
Отправлено: suma от 06 Января 2016, 13:44:09
I gave you the link to read which emulators and plug-ins are used and supported by our server. Unfortunately, we do not support the emu you have. Moreover, it's for Macintosh PC. Most of our users are owing Windows PCs and set up emu for DVB card using Windows OS. You have to ask eyetvCamd 52 developers how to use it properly. In the billing (www.cardsharingserver.com), you will also find settings for EMU supported by our server, but eyetvCamd 52.