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Started by casper, 21 February 2012, 14:28:44

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Does anyone know the box type number for the VU+ Ultimo reciever.
I have the reciever working using N line with cccam but not getting anything with MGCAMD 1.35a.
The box type is currently set to automatic but don't know if that is the correct setting.
VU+ ULTIMO, 1.2M 36v Motorised Visiosat, VBox III, invacom C120 Quad LNB, Visiosat Feedhorn Blackhole v1.7.6 Mgcamd 1.35


I've got a Vu+ Duo and am using VIX image. The recommended setting is 06 Dreambox/mips. It's working fine for me. I would think that the Ultimo should be the same.
Vu+ Duo (dual tuner), VIX 2.3 image, mgcamd 1.35a, Sky UK


I am using Blackhole image but many thanks for the answer, i'll give it a try.
VU+ ULTIMO, 1.2M 36v Motorised Visiosat, VBox III, invacom C120 Quad LNB, Visiosat Feedhorn Blackhole v1.7.6 Mgcamd 1.35


Still not getting Mgcamd to work. Have tried box no 06.
Is there a reccommended download version available for download on this site?
I will try a reinstall of the emu if i can get a link to a working version of Mgcamd.

Are there any other Ultimo users out there with working setup? Could you list your build and reccommended settings.

I want to get MGcamd working to be fully compliant with site rules so any help would be very much appreciated.
VU+ ULTIMO, 1.2M 36v Motorised Visiosat, VBox III, invacom C120 Quad LNB, Visiosat Feedhorn Blackhole v1.7.6 Mgcamd 1.35


I have a Vu+ Solo and have a working setup with Mgcamd 1.35a.  It has worked with every firmware I have tried, including ViX/VTi/Blackhole 1.72 and 1.6.6... I im sure its pretty universal.

Just add your own CWS = line to 'newcamd.list' and reboot, it should come straight on.

Better to remove everything you've tried and start again, just to be sure.


First make sure CCcam is disabled and remove any mgcamd plugins already installed.

1. Download the file attached to this post, or the same file from here... http://www.4shared.com/zip/7I1rgVRG/vu-plus-mgcamd-CardsharingServ.html

2. Extract it somewhere. There are 2 folders in it.  "tmp" and "keys".

3. Copy "enigma2-plugin-cams-mgcamd.1.35a_1.0-r3_mipsel.ipk" from the "tmp" folder to the "/tmp" folder on your receiver via FTP.

4. Edit the 'newcamd.list' file with notepad or something similar from the "keys" folder just extracterd and replace the CWS line with the one from your account here.

5. Copy all the files from that "keys" folder to "/usr/keys" on your receiver via FTP.

6. Install the "enigma2-plugin-cams-mgcamd.1.35a_1.0-r3_mipsel.ipk" file on your receiver via the install local extensions option.

7. Reboot the receiver.

8. Go to a normally encrypted channel.  Press the blue button and go to the softcam manager.

9. Enable the Mgcamd 1.35a plugin.  And, press the coloured button to enable it to load automatically on startup.

done! :)


Hope that helps anyone having problems with any Enigma2 based receiver.  My mg_cfg file has the receiver set to "00" it should autodetect Enigma2 just fine. But you could put "06" there too.
Vu+ Solo. Mgcamd 1.35a. Sky UK package.


Many Many Thanks rhole i am now up and running. I think my copy of Mgcamd 1.35a is suspect.
I also tried v1.38d and it also works. Do you have any idea of the differences?
I know the server prefers users to use 1.35, just interested in understanding the updated differences.

Again Many Thanks and Enjoy your viewing.
VU+ ULTIMO, 1.2M 36v Motorised Visiosat, VBox III, invacom C120 Quad LNB, Visiosat Feedhorn Blackhole v1.7.6 Mgcamd 1.35


My config: Vu Duo, Black Hole 1.7.2 , mgcamd 1.35a, newcamd, VIP Hotbird, server3
I mostly use Cyfra+, Polsat Cyfrowy and JSC
There is something strange on my side.

I have config files from the forum, mgcamd 1.35a downloaded via TSpanel: TuniSat feed.
Programs are decoded ok but I have problem then I'm switching tuner on or changing providers after watching for longer time lets say 10 minutes.
I have black screen and no ECM info (when I switch channel to the same channel provider it works OK) I have to restart cam manually then it works OK .
When I switch providers short after cam restart it works OK.
Tried BH, VIX and VTI with different versions of mgcamd 1.35a 1.37 1.38 and problem is there with all versions

I've tried mgcamd from rhole post.
But i don't see it in cams after install (tried to install it on fresh installed Black Hole 1.7.2)

I think the problem is on my side because I didn't have that problem with cccam, but I had to switch back to mgcamd after recent problems witch reconnection's.
Also tried oscam but i get glitches every 60s.

Does anyone have subscription with multiple CWS lines working properly on Vu,
I suspect there must be something simple, extra parameter in config etc.

VU+ Duo, BlackHole 1.7.2, MGCamd 1.35a, VIP Poland


Hi guys,

I cannot make it work. I tried the permissions chmod 755, the files are in the correct place, the lines of my subscription are fine. I can ping from the VU the server3 and respond... Any ideas?

Also tried with 00 and 06 as read in this forum... but nothing. Can anyone send me the v1.38d version?

Thanks a lot, I cannot find the mistake to correct, and when I reboot, I unplugged the deco.


I forgot...
VU+ Solo, BlackHole 1.7.2, MGCamd 1.35a, VIP Astra


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Hi xtruex,

Thanks for the reply: I copy the file and (i connect to the box via ssh) and install the package and it did created in /var/keys/   two more files than before: Autoroll.key and softcam.key .

Also, in the file newcamd.list  the first two lines are like 'CWS= 10000 card0 pwdcard0 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 au'.... shall I copy my two generated lines after?  (cs357x://user:pass@serv3:XXXXX)


Also, when I press the blue button, I just get in "installed cam" something called, 'common interface', but cannot see the mgcamd...

Is it also normal?

Thanks a lot.


It's your line ?
You buy subscription in newcamd or camd3 protocol ?
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That means you have not installed MGCAMD correctly. Use this one : http://www.sendspace.com/file/61zt2d Works fine for me on BH 1.7.2.

Copy to temp and install manually throug menu.
VU+ Uno, BH 1.7.2, MGCamd 1.35, Wavefrontier T90 = 12,5°W-28,5°E


Mgcamd installed correctly, he buy subscription in camd3 protocol

Why you install mgcamd ?
You need install camd3 or change protocol to newcamd
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Well THANKS a lot for the help. Now it is working. I didn't know about the protocols, changed yesterday night and were banned.

I also installed everything from scratch, learn some more, I put the BH 1.7.3, very nice.

But Digital+ (spain) does not open, and I guess it should be isn't it? because in the subscription info  is says...  "add info" and behind ... Newcamd525 ports:

Should I add something?


Digital+ without guarantee
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and it means that is not working always? sometimes? never?

Now it is not working, and neither CSAT....


ps:thanks again for shading light in my begining...


Hi, I change Dreambox 800hd for Vu+ solo2. I made all according guide from this forum I downloaded also attached folders from forum but not working. Last black hole image on Vu+
Perhaps some idea why it is not working? Dreambox was working without problems with MGCamd but Vu+ not yet. Thnx