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DM500 HD ver2 setup for NTV+

Started by thegoldmarketing, 14 October 2016, 16:47:33

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I have bought Dreambox 500HD ver 2 in order to watch HTV+ provided channels. (because 500S recently beacame obsolute).

So the question, what kind of image and emulator you suggest?

Currently I'm running default one - Enigma2:2014-03-14-tarball. Can I install a cam emulator on this one? Or should I get other image? I have avoided putting 3rd party software because of risk of bricking the whole device. Is it even necessary?

I tried to setup mgcamd and ccam several versions by trying to install .ipk file which failed - I always got "Done. 0 plugins installed".

I also tried to follow this guide and install  but its un Russian, so its harder to follow - https://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic=34449.0
Basically I got the same *.key error as this guy - https://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic=34449.msg121479#msg121479

Any help will be greatly appreciated.
DM500HD ver 2. Emulator: None. In progress.


Quote from: thegoldmarketing on 14 October 2016, 16:47:33
I have avoided putting 3rd party software because of risk of bricking the whole device. Is it even necessary?

If you avoided installing 3rd party software, why then you need CS service? Buy an official NTV+ card and enjoy...

1. You came to the cardsharing server which is the 3rd party by itself. We are not official providers, we are so-called "hackers".
2. Images and software used by our users are the 3rd party software (firmware). Without them, no sharing is possible. You are wasting time by trying mgcamd or cccam with an official image. You will always get the only result "Done. 0 plugins installed".

Start reading the forum from FAQ https://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?board=30.0
I think, nobody here will spend time explaining basic things to you. You have to read and learn them by yourself.

VU+Zero. 13E, 82.5E, 56E, Vip All, OpenPLI 6.0 image, OSCam: 1.20-unstable_svn. ALL POSTS WITHOUT SIGNATURE AND LOG-FILE will be ignored and deleted!1.mg_cfg here [url="http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic=23717.msg58140#msg58140"]http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic=23717.msg58140#msg58140[/url]
2. ignore-priority.lists here [url="http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic"]http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic[/url]