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Started by suma, 12 November 2015, 06:17:14

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Dear subscribers,
Due to a potential strengthening of protection by provider, administration has strong request to all SkyDe subscribers as well as to subscribers to any VIP package where SkyDe is included, to not extend and to not buy the SkyDe subscription from January 18, 2016.
This is only for those users, who are only going to purchase SkyDe subscription or extend it from 18.01.2016.
If you buy or extend the subscription anyhow, it will be at your own risk, since according to the Server Rules
This is not administration liability, if a problem with provision of services arises not due to a fault of the server (provider bankruptcy, applying new methods of protection by provider, revolution in the country, cyber attack, etc.). No compensation is also envisaged.
Hope for your understanding.

                                    cardsharing.cc administration
VU+Zero. 13E, 82.5E, 56E, Vip All, OpenPLI 6.0 image, OSCam: 1.20-unstable_svn. ALL POSTS WITHOUT SIGNATURE AND LOG-FILE will be ignored and deleted!1.mg_cfg here [url="http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic=23717.msg58140#msg58140"]http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic=23717.msg58140#msg58140[/url]
2. ignore-priority.lists here [url="http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic"]http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic[/url]


Hey suma!

That means I can use SkyDE after 18.01.2016 but on my own risk. You don't give a warranty how long it works?

Dreambox 7020HD. Sky Deutschland HD and HD+, Merlin 3 Image, MgCamd 1.35a


Quote from: bmike on 12 December 2015, 00:08:47
You don't give a warranty how long it works?

We are not SkyDe and we cannot give you any warranties. Our announcement (warning) is based on the rumors. Nobody will give exact information but SkyDe only.
Yes, if you extend (or buy) subscription after 18.01 - it will be at your own risk and we will not be responsible for further consequences (if any).
VU+Zero. 13E, 82.5E, 56E, Vip All, OpenPLI 6.0 image, OSCam: 1.20-unstable_svn. ALL POSTS WITHOUT SIGNATURE AND LOG-FILE will be ignored and deleted!1.mg_cfg here [url="http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic=23717.msg58140#msg58140"]http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic=23717.msg58140#msg58140[/url]
2. ignore-priority.lists here [url="http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic"]http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic[/url]


Здравствуйте, пакет Sky DE пострадавших, как правило, т.е. также в пакете Вип Германии?
Или пакет Sky DE, даже если я забронировать VIP пакет?

Hallo , ist das Sky DE Paket im allgemeinen betroffen , also auch im Paket Vip Germany ?
Oder funktioniert das Sky DE Paket noch , wenn ich ein VIP Paket buche?

Hello, the Sky DE package affected generally,  also in the package Vip Germany?
Or does the Sky DE package even if I book a VIP package?


es ist eine eventuell/sehr wahrscheinliche Umstellung des Kodiersystems von Sky, bei denen die Karten "verheiratet" werden mit dem Receier oder NDS-Modul. Sollte es so kommen, funktionieren die Karten ausschliesslich noch in dem dazugehörgen Empfangsgerät (Receiver oder Ci+Modul), welches Sky man seitens Sky erhalten hat - also auch kein anderes, weil die Karte mit eben diesem Modul/Modulseriennummer verheiratet ist.
Von daher hat es nichts damit zu tun wie du hier dein SkyDE-Abo abgeschlossen hast, wenn es technisch nicht mehr geht (zumindest erstmal), dann geht es technisch!!! nicht mehr, bei keinem Receiver, mit keinem Emu.
...bis dann vieleicht wieder was auf den Markt kommt, aber sowas kann dauern *g*
Es gibt Gerüchte, dass dieses Pairing nur die Karten von deutschen Kunden betreffen wird. Sollte dem so sein, könnte natürlich auch seitens des Boards anstelle von deutschen in Zukunft österreichische Abos abgeschlossen werden um dieses Pairing zu umgehen. Aber ob das wirklich so ist... aktuell ist nicht mal sicher, dass tatsächlich überhaupt irgendwas passieren wird am 18. Januar, oder am 25 Januar, oder welchem Datum auch immer - Sky gibt was vor, macht Änderungen zur besseren Absicherung des Systems und darauf kann auch erst reagiert werden und nicht andersrum *g*

perhaps/most likely Sky will switch method of encrytption by pairing the card to a receiver or Ci+modul. The card will only work in this receiver/modul and the serial number of this specific modul/stb once it's paired. So it is a technical change by Sky and has nothing to do with your subscription here, it will not work any more because its technically impossible.
Some rumours say, this pairing will only affect German Sky-Germany cards but not the subscriptions of Austrian customers. If this is correct the server might be able to get Austrian subscriptions from Sky to share the channels tzhe same way they do now. But all this are only rumours and no one can really tell if there will be any change at all on the 18th January, or the 20th or May the 4th *g*
AX-HD51 STB using NeutrinoHD and Oscam with VIP-Astra. Dual login on server_81 via Cable-ISP


Danke für die korrekte Antwort.
Falls nichts passiert am 18.Januar kann man dann das Paket verlängern ?
Im Account ist die Möglichkeit zum Verlängern deaktiviert .
Am besten wir warten ab , was passiert , dann kann man reagieren.
Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland.

Thank you for the correct answer.
If nothing happens on January 18, I can then extend the package?
In account the possibility is disabled for lengthening.
It is best to wait to see what happens, then you can respond.
Warm greetings from Germany.


so the 18th is gone but Sky is still active
I do not see any new information here and I also did not find any new information in any other forum I know :)
Also nothing "new" if I connect to the billing center, its possible to prolong "Vip-Astra" again
but if I go to "Purchase subscription" I would be able to get the Sky Germany package for up to 12 month - but there is now a new note that package probably will stop 29th of february

Any new information that I am not aware of ? the 29th february was never a date in any other forum (but as I said, yesterday it the Sky encoding was not discussed in any other forum I know, except some people asking like me here now *g*)
AX-HD51 STB using NeutrinoHD and Oscam with VIP-Astra. Dual login on server_81 via Cable-ISP


Quote from: Jogi on 19 January 2016, 06:48:00
the 29th february was never a date in any other forum (but as I said, yesterday it the Sky encoding was not discussed in any other forum I know, except some people asking like me here now *g*)

Sure, the deadline is and will be postponed as we do not want to be responsible for "sudden" stop of the package. Can you imagine- how much it will cost to refund all subscribers to the package, if Sky will suddently stop broadcasting using their typical encryption?!
VU+Zero. 13E, 82.5E, 56E, Vip All, OpenPLI 6.0 image, OSCam: 1.20-unstable_svn. ALL POSTS WITHOUT SIGNATURE AND LOG-FILE will be ignored and deleted!1.mg_cfg here [url="http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic=23717.msg58140#msg58140"]http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic=23717.msg58140#msg58140[/url]
2. ignore-priority.lists here [url="http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic"]http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic[/url]


is the 28.2. now the official date or a probability ?
btw:  I have a real subscription from S** to.
Dreambox 7020 HD
Mgcam 1.35
68° east to 45° west 1,20m dish


As i see on other forums, a lot of cards are now black. It seems that the process is not done in one click, than from card to card.

Dreambox DM8000HD Enigma2, 1TB HDD: TunerA (Fixed 0,8W): DVB-S2 (BCM4501), TunerB (Fixed 0,8W): DVB-S2 (BCM4501), TunerC: DVB-T, TunerD (USALS): DVB-S2 (Alps BSBE2). Sat: 62.0E - 43,1W , (VIP ALL ULTRA), Hungary


Quote from: mcll on 19 January 2016, 16:39:08
As i see on other forums, a lot of cards are now black. It seems that the process is not done in one click, than from card to card.

Can you provide the links to other CS forums? We are interested in responses of those users and try to find the reason - why they have black screen.
VU+Zero. 13E, 82.5E, 56E, Vip All, OpenPLI 6.0 image, OSCam: 1.20-unstable_svn. ALL POSTS WITHOUT SIGNATURE AND LOG-FILE will be ignored and deleted!1.mg_cfg here [url="http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic=23717.msg58140#msg58140"]http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic=23717.msg58140#msg58140[/url]
2. ignore-priority.lists here [url="http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic"]http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic[/url]


I've read it on the http://www.digital-eliteboard.com/ forum (Topic: Laberthread Sky V14 Pairing). But as i see only one said this "na da hast du ja richtig Glück......bei allen anderen ist schon alles Dunkel". So it's possible that SkyDE did not change anything till now. Sorry if i was a little hasty.  ;)

Dreambox DM8000HD Enigma2, 1TB HDD: TunerA (Fixed 0,8W): DVB-S2 (BCM4501), TunerB (Fixed 0,8W): DVB-S2 (BCM4501), TunerC: DVB-T, TunerD (USALS): DVB-S2 (Alps BSBE2). Sat: 62.0E - 43,1W , (VIP ALL ULTRA), Hungary


As we see, SkyDe is working and will work.
The rumours were greatly exaggerated.
Please read the link and understand that provider has no capacities to change hardware of his users.
Hope, that we'll have no problems with SkyDe.
VU+Zero. 13E, 82.5E, 56E, Vip All, OpenPLI 6.0 image, OSCam: 1.20-unstable_svn. ALL POSTS WITHOUT SIGNATURE AND LOG-FILE will be ignored and deleted!1.mg_cfg here [url="http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic=23717.msg58140#msg58140"]http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic=23717.msg58140#msg58140[/url]
2. ignore-priority.lists here [url="http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic"]http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic[/url]


Sky has not changed anything YET - fine :)
but as far as I know EVERY legal SkyDE customer has a official Sky NDS receiver or a Sky NDS-CI+modul - both can be used for pairing
and when I read replies like "Sky wouldn't go that far to pair cards because they are afraid to loose customers" ->>> you are aware, that the SkyDE NDS card used by the server would for sure not run anymore, if moderator would not block EMMs and only write "good" EMMs that are not pairing the card ? and its hard to detect "good EMMs" as Sky does not send out good EMMs for everyone or only a small amount.
And you are also only lucky that you got your cards before autumn last year, new cards are already arriving paired at the customers home = no chage to avoid using your legal Sky hardware as there is no way to unpair the cards yet = Sky is doing everything they can to get pairing at least technical possible and I would say they already have this option.

The only rumours I heard about: only Sky-DE cards for German customers are paired, by my knowledge the card for subscribers from Austria (caid 09AF) are not paired - what I have heard from time to time.
But for Germany and German customers Sky could switch encryption to paired-cards-only without problems (theoretically, I believe there wil be many legal users with black screen because the card got not updated

digital-elite is a nice board for legal information and some funny postings. If you are interested in real informations you might look at http://www.streamboard.tv/wbb2/index.php for example, there you can find technical informations about encryption systems :)
AX-HD51 STB using NeutrinoHD and Oscam with VIP-Astra. Dual login on server_81 via Cable-ISP