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Account disabled

Started by Noah, 05 March 2019, 14:33:03

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können Sie das konto wieder freischalten ,das wahr ein versechen und kommt nie wider vor,habe die Regel vom Server nicht gelesen.
Ich würde mich freuen wenn es klappen könnte.

If you can unlock the account, that's true, and never come back, I did not read the rule from the server.
I would be happy if it could work.


Hello, please contact Moderator by e-mail
moderator at cardsharing.cc
and explain him your situation

VU+Zero. 13E, 82.5E, 56E, Vip All, OpenPLI 6.0 image, OSCam: 1.20-unstable_svn. ALL POSTS WITHOUT SIGNATURE AND LOG-FILE will be ignored and deleted!1.mg_cfg here [url="http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic=23717.msg58140#msg58140"]http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic=23717.msg58140#msg58140[/url]
2. ignore-priority.lists here [url="http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic"]http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic[/url]


Thanks for the answer.