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blocked account -

Started by coltnock, 09 December 2015, 20:49:33

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please can someone help me im quite new to all this and my subscription has stopped i dont understand why? my bt sport hasnt been working and someone told me to try newcamd in stead of cccam and it work but having played around a few times its not working. i just checked connections history and said i have broken rule number 9 and complete ban i didnt even know i was breaking a rule. is there anyway you can help as it was a genuine mistake.




and i also only have one receiver in the house so im unable to connect 2 receivers to one account

regards mark


I dont know why it is not working anymore and if this has something to do with violation of rules
Because I had the same "problem" yesterday after reconfiguring the receiver of a friend I know, that rule #9 violation simply appear if you switch the emulator. The server simply assume you have 2 receivers in case you connect with different emulators because also my friend has only one receiver and the IP address was always the same (I did it remotely so I am absolutely sure about this)
I checked the connection history today again: everything alright, no penalty, no ban, nothing to worry about (and today only the "new" emulator is listed)

but if your connection to the server is broken it might be a configuration problem
have you received an email about rule violation ? (have you configured correct emailaddress in billing center > personal information + activated notifications ?
if so, do you received an email (might be sorted out as spam) ?
can you send a ping command to your cs-server, do you get replys ? if not it looks like your ip is banned by the server
I am not sure but I believe a ban is only active for one hour or 24 hours - if you solve the problem, otherwise your account will be closed

in most cases the problem occur because 2 emulators are active at the same time
many receivers have poor emulator management and even if it shows you that you switched of a emulator it is still active until you reboot your receiver
so my advise: remove the configuration file with the server settings of the emulator you dont want to use from the receiver and reboot it with only one emulator configured correctly (compare the configuration file with the settings under my subscriptions)
AX-HD51 STB using NeutrinoHD and Oscam with VIP-Astra. Dual login on server_81 via Cable-ISP