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Your IP has been temporarily disabled due to server rules violation.

Started by pigglet, 24 January 2012, 21:08:12

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I don't now why i got disabled or how i can fix this i hope that some one can help me.


Your IP has been temporarily disabled due to server rules violation. You are requested to eliminate a cause of the ban very urgently, otherwise your account can be blocked by the Moderator and you will be subject to penalty.

IP address:
Account: pigglet
Start of disability: 2012-01-24 16:20:00 CET (Central European Time)
End of disability: 2012-01-24 18:20:00 CET (Central European Time)
Reason: Connection to the server without valid subscription: 1) one or more subscriptions are over; 2) one or more subscriptions have not started yet (untimely connection with your subscription which is not active yet, connection earlier than 6:00 AM (Moscow time) of the date specified in the billing; 3) untimely connection to a new server (<60 minutes since the server has been changed in the billing); 4) connection to the old server XXX after it has been changed to a new server YYY; 5) connection using wrong protocol (protocol has been changed in the billing, however, the changes have not been taken effect yet. Nearest 6:00 AM (Moscow time) has not come yet.

Package                                         Start date                End date          Protocol          Port            Prolonging           CAID&PROVID
Canal Digital Nordic HD 1W (fin)     22.01.2012             21.02.2012        Сamd3            XXXXX         Prolong for:            0B00&000000
[freeze]                                                                                                  [Change]   

Thanks pgiglet
dreambox 500 satelite


Compare data from the billing and the data available in your receiver. I think, you will find any discrepancy. Reasons are specified in the message you just received.

VU+Zero. 13E, 82.5E, 56E, Vip All, OpenPLI 6.0 image, OSCam: 1.20-unstable_svn. ALL POSTS WITHOUT SIGNATURE AND LOG-FILE will be ignored and deleted!1.mg_cfg here [url="http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic=23717.msg58140#msg58140"]http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic=23717.msg58140#msg58140[/url]
2. ignore-priority.lists here [url="http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic"]http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic[/url]