CardSharing Server ENG > FAQ English

ENGLISH interface of the forum or Complete your signature!


All users are requested to complete their profiles and signature.
Many users describe their problem without providing any information on their receiver, subscription, emulator and protocol used for CS.
Administration of the forum does not know these details as they are known only to the user himself.
Please don't try further describing your problems if you did not complete your signature.
You will not get answer or your post will be simply removed.

Procedure is as follows.

1. Select PROFILE button from navigation menu of the forum and enter the editor of your profile:

2. To the left, select Forum Profile:

3. Complete your signature:

Enter as complete information about your receiver type (model), DVB card, software-firmware version used, protocol etc. you think may be helpful as possible.

4. Finally, your signature will look like this:


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