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Digi Sport 2 HD HU

Started by evrynet, 28 August 2017, 18:37:54

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Digi Sport 1 HD HU works perfectly but I can't decode Digi Sport 2 HD HU. Here are the logs:

[mg3] service FDC index 3 pmt pid 0 (2)
[mg3] ECM: CaID: 0x1802  -> CaPID: 0x18AA ProvID: 000000
[mg3] ECM: CaID: 0x1880  -> CaPID: 0x18AB ProvID: 000000
STAPI slot set pid error 72 pid 18aa
[mg0] service FDC already started with index 3
[mg0] service FDC index 0 pmt pid 0 (2)
[mg0] ECM: CaID: 0x1802  -> CaPID: 0x18AA ProvID: 000000
[mg0] ECM: CaID: 0x1880  -> CaPID: 0x18AB ProvID: 000000
STAPI slot set pid error 72 pid 18aa
[mg3] network can't decode
[mg3] pid 0x18AB failed to decode.
[mg0] network can't decode
[mg0] pid 0x18AB failed to decode.

AB IPBOX 9000 HD with mgcamd-1.3.5


AB IPBOX 9000 HD with mgcamd-1.3.5