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CardSharing Server ENG => Questions on cardsharing server => VIP Poland => Topic started by: Archibald on 10 May 2019, 20:28:02

Title: All channels freeze every few minutes
Post by: Archibald on 10 May 2019, 20:28:02
I have recently purchased a full year plan after a one month testin period. Few days after the purchase I have noticed that channels freeze for 5-10 seconds every few minutes. It's been happeinng yesterday and today.
No problems with internet. I use Virginmedia UK as my provider.
I have reset the hub and TV box several times to no avail.
Could you please help me to get back the telly?
Title: Re: All channels freeze every few minutes
Post by: Archibald on 12 May 2019, 12:26:25
Apologies, I have not added sufficient information.
I will check what emulator is used (OSCAM), but I'm struggling to locate the mg_cfg file to create logs.

Title: Re: All channels freeze every few minutes
Post by: Jogi on 12 May 2019, 16:52:24
Oscam has no mg_cfg, Oscam uses oscam.* (several) files for configuration
go to CONFIG in Oscam WebIF, set path for logfile, usualy tmp-folder (/tmp/oscam.log) and get it before shutdown of the box (Log file / max size:), set max-size (300kb should be much more than required) and enable before Save-Button
Title: Re: All channels freeze every few minutes
Post by: Archibald on 13 May 2019, 01:08:51
So I have been using OSCAM during the first month and it was fine, but I have noticed that my configuration on the forum was set up to work with CCCam.
After battel to create a CCcam setup file I now have all channels back.
Apologies for those questions, but I am new to this and don't always know all tricks.
Thanks again for your help
Title: Re: All channels freeze every few minutes
Post by: suma on 13 May 2019, 09:58:27
Just for your information: https://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic=35019.0