CardSharing Server ENG > SkyStars 1,2,3

How to install CSC with Mediaportal??

(1/3) > >>

As per the topic. I have purchased a subscription, not realising I can't use acamd for SKY UK (my fault I know). So now I want to use the suggested CSC but within Mediaportal. So how do you make CSC work with Mediaportal?


Ok, so it seems I may of gotten somewhere? I just got an email saying I'm connecting too much and got a temp ban :/

I have a PC with Windows 7 and Mediaportal installed. My DVBS2 card is a dual tuner Blackgold BGT3595.

I have MDAPI installed on my system, and within the MDPlugins folder inside the tuner folder I have the csc.dll. I have added the line to the csc.ini which was given during subscription.

So if I have gotten the warning email, we can assume that the plugin is reading the ini and trying to connect? My problem is when tuning to the channel in mediaportal, its just coming up saying that the channel is scrambled so it isn't working.

Is anyone able to help me troubleshoot the setup please?


Hi, thanks for the reply. I have gotten further with this problem but now become stuck again. Could you please help.

I have CSC installed, and loaded. I have followed your link which you posted for configuring CSC4.0.0.2. I am able to open the Card Server Client Server Configuration page and I have loaded in my login details etc for my subscription.

What I can not do is the part where it says to set CA type required. Where is this part of the config when using Mediaportal?

Within the Monitor of CSC the error keeps appearing..
 Can't Find: CAID 0960, IDENT 000000


Ok I have now figured out that if the caid is correctly set in progdvb this setting also carries over to mediaportal.. So I have *some* working channels now in progdvb. A couple I have managed to get it to with using the correct id but with most I have this happening -

Tune to channel but it is scrambled
Set CSC plugin as active
Change caid to the correct one in CSC monitor
Channel descrambles
Navigate to different channel then back to previous channel
Channel is scrambled and set with wrong caid again

Before you repost your link! I have read and no matter what combination of looking at channel properties and clinking stuff and applying and oking I cant get it to remember the right id! I have to manually select it each time..

CSC (setup exactly as described in your thread)
Windows 7
DVB-S2 tuner PCIe
Sky HD UK subscription


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