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VIP Czech / Re: Eurosport 1,2 - DigiTV (HU...
Last post by clip - 05 July 2024, 21:00:02
Hi, have you found something?
I have the same problem
Sky Deutschland HD 19E / Sky Sport 5 and Prime Video sw...
Last post by jöman - 02 July 2024, 20:22:37
Sky Sport 5 (HD) and Prime Video Sportsbar have switched transponders (frequency) with each otherSo Sky Sport 5 is now available on transponder 9, frequency 11171 and Prime Video (which is still not decoded) is transmitted now from frequency 12032MHz. Both channels kept there SIDs.
So the new parameter for the userbouquet.skyicam.tv is now:
#SERVICE 1:0:19:155:9:85:21:0:0:0:http%3a// Sport 5 HD
and Amazon Prime would have - BUT BY MY KNOWLEDGE NEVER DECODED, at least not now
#SERVICE 1:0:19:134:4:85:21:0:0:0:http%3a// Video Sportsbar
#DESCRIPTION Prime Video Sportsbar
I was impressed to see Amazon Prime on Germany cable provider Vodafone working (in my case former Unitymedia network). At least for some seconds I was able to watch tennis before picture starts freezing.
Billing - Payment system / Re: Problems with payment
Last post by Crackycarly - 01 July 2024, 08:16:02
Спасибо, решено, я заплатил BTC.
Привет Карл
Billing - Payment system / Re: Problems with payment
Last post by Crackycarly - 30 June 2024, 12:55:11
Написал модератору, но к сожалению ответа пока не получил.
Срок действия моей линии истекает сегодня, и я больше не могу смотреть футбол после полуночи...
Привет Карл
Billing - Payment system / Re: Problems with payment
Last post by xtruex - 30 June 2024, 07:17:26
Quote from: Crackycarly on 29 June 2024, 23:28:27
К сожалению, я тоже не могу оплатить картой Mastercard.
пробовал разные карты
хотел бы внести 40 евро

Billing - Payment system / Re: Problems with payment
Last post by Crackycarly - 29 June 2024, 23:28:27
К сожалению, я тоже не могу оплатить картой Mastercard.
пробовал разные карты
хотел бы внести 40 евро
VIP Poland / Re: VIP Poland
Last post by KK - 25 June 2024, 21:03:02
I have been using VIP Poland for several years and had to replace the decoder because the previous one died. I have a decoder like the previous one NC+ Enigma 2 on Linux. I have a problem with the configuration, I have the decoder connected to the network while I do not remember what I need to enter in the settings of the decoder and cardsharing to search for channels. Can someone please send a screen shot or write where and what needs to be entered?

VIP Czech / Eurosport 1,2 - DigiTV (HU + R...
Last post by jarax - 25 June 2024, 16:14:46
Eurosport 1 (Hungary) 12130 H,Eurosport 2 (Hungary) 11785 H  - last month of constant outages and don´t work now, I try anything. Can you help me ? Many thanks ...
VIP Poland / Re: VIP Poland
Last post by KK - 22 June 2024, 13:08:22
korzystam od kilku lat z VIP Polska i musiałem wymienić dekoder bo poprzedni padł. Dekoder mam taki jak poprzednio NC+ Enigma 2 na Linuxie. Mam problem z konfiguracją, dekoder mam podłączony do sieci natomiast nie pamiętam co trzeba wpisać w ustawieniach dekodera i cardsharingu żeby wyszukać kanały. Czy ktoś może podesłać screena lub napisać gdzie i co trzeba wpisać?
Sky Deutschland HD 19E / Re: VU+Solo2 zeigt bei SKY Sen...
Last post by pijo - 20 June 2024, 09:22:19
Die Sender wrden intern "gestreamt" daher die Anzeige. Wen man etwas aufnehmen will, soll man zuvor auf einem nicht Sky Kanal wechseln. Die Box hat offensichtlich Schwierigkeiten zwei solche Streams gleichzeitig durchzuführen (vermutlich ist der Prozessor einfach zu schwach)