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DM900 + NN2 OE2.5 +Oscam work/funktioniert

Started by xe7ro, 01 November 2017, 14:45:45

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I read that the DM900 was no Support with this Server. Yesterday i Test it and it work. :)

Blue Panel -> camd -> Download and install oscam and Theon install oscam config.

Than use DCC E2 connect To dreambox and find the configs in etc/tuxbox/configs in this folder ist a file the Name is oscam.server . Go to your Settings in cardsharingserver.com in my subscription and use newcamd Protocol and copy the oscam logins than Paste it to the file oscam.server in your dreambox it works Fine!

Dreamboy 900 + Oscam + VIP ALL
Dreambox 800SEv2 + MgCamd1.38 + VIP Astra
Golden Interstar Xpeed LX1 + CCcam 2.3.0 + VIP Astra


where do you read that DM900, or any other Dreambox is not working ?
Basically you can say, that all Linux-based receivers work (if a Oscam-version is available for your receiver or you can compile it on your own). I cannot find any post with "DMxxxx not working".
And as you have chosen: Newcamd-protocol is best for Oscam, with CCcam-protocol many users get rule violations shown in connection history or even by email, if configured. The required settings are available from the "my subscription" page regardless of the receiver you use.

You might have found information, that THE BOX (itself) is not supported. As you explained you need to go to something called Blue Panel etc - this is receiver specific, its completely different from installing an emulator on my receiver (Neutrino system, no so called "Panel" installed at all). But you cannot expect that every type of receiver is known here (even if Dreambox is well known - in Germany!), so best answer you can get is: contact a receiver-specific support-forum for "how to install/configure emulators" as the procedure is different on any type of box. Searching for "DM900" here in the forum discovers one thread regarding freezers - this is also "problem" for receiver-support in this case. Sometimes it will do to change to an older version of the emulator but as soon as it freezing while the server response time is fast enough (depending on used encryption, around 600ms for NDS or 6 seconds for Nagra, Cryptoworks, Conax for example), this has to be fixed from the builders of you receivers software (in your case Enigma), or from Oscam support (best to use Streamboard.tv but webpage is currently unavailable)
AX-HD51 STB using NeutrinoHD and Oscam with VIP-Astra. Dual login on server_81 via Cable-ISP



It works Fine. No freezer.

I read it Here:

Dreamboy 900 + Oscam + VIP ALL
Dreambox 800SEv2 + MgCamd1.38 + VIP Astra
Golden Interstar Xpeed LX1 + CCcam 2.3.0 + VIP Astra


Where exactly i can find in BluePanel - Theon install config?
What version of Oscam have you installed?

I've got DM900, still can't set it up to work :(