CardSharing Server ENG > Ferguson

Port mgcamd?

(1/3) > >>

Hello, I activated the ultra vip, but can not find the port there that I enter?
Where can I find or which I enter I can not find it anywhere
Thanks for any advice mam Ferguson Ariva 202e I wanted to pres mgcamd All information on vim and port?

I don't know this model of receiver and i don't know where you should add port number. Ask technical support of your receiver. We only provide you with CS settings, that's all.

zadal jsem url,port,uzivatel,heslo,vse jak mi to vypsalo ale pres mgcamd se nemuzu prihlasit  login failed porad

I entered the url, port, username, password, everything as I announced it over mgcamd but can not log failed login deliberations

Can you please help with setup mgcamd? url-server_45 is wrong?


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