CardSharing Server ENG > Polsat Cyfrowy HD 13E

Polsat package freezing picture.

(1/4) > >>

I have issue with signal today. Seems like it is problem with antenna but I am not sure about that. When I turn TV it works for few minutes and then picture freeze. No sound as well. Reset of internet connection just shows that it works fine. How can I fix this or there is any issue with service?

Me and my freinds have the same problem but with all Polsat sport channels

Update - I got alert that there is software problem and if that occurs two more times it will reset receiver.
I decided just to wait and see what will happen. So far on everything starts itself once but after 10 or 15 minutes and last for maybe one or two minutes.

Ale mi nie działa na 3 dekoderach. Tydzien temu było ok. Wiec to nie wina softa.


--- Цитата: Renifer1987 от 10 Марта 2020, 21:41:40 ---Hello.
I have issue with signal today. Seems like it is problem with antenna but I am not sure about that. When I turn TV it works for few minutes and then picture freeze. No sound as well. Reset of internet connection just shows that it works fine. How can I fix this or there is any issue with service?

--- Конец цитаты ---

Enter and study your connections history. There is a rules violation - you are using delayed decoding. If you have 2 tuners onboard your receiver, you need dual login.


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