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CardSharing Server ENG => Questions on cardsharing server => Topic started by: evrynet on 13 October 2018, 21:09:35

Title: Channels are freezing, backup server doesn't decode
Post by: evrynet on 13 October 2018, 21:09:35

Are you having issues or getting attacked? With the main server the channels are freezing. I have checked most of the channels in the UPC package on Thor. Looks like backup server is working fine. I will use both from now on
Title: Re: Channels are freezing, backup server doesn't decode
Post by: evrynet on 13 October 2018, 22:26:14
still freezing :(
Title: Re: Channels are freezing, backup server doesn't decode
Post by: suma on 14 October 2018, 08:51:35
Quote from: evrynet on 13 October 2018, 21:09:35
Looks like backup server is working fine. I will use both from now on

From now on? You HAVE TO ALWAYS use both servers, not only from now on. We always recommend to use both servers- main and backup in order to avoid freezing, glitching, etc.
Get your internet connection tracked when you have freezes. UPC package on Thor is working normally, and nobody but you claim only. Nobody from the users are claiming on the forum re:freezes, you may check it yourself.
Every time when you are experiencing any problem, get log-file and provide it here. Without log-file, nobody will be able to help you.
Also, look at the forum. If you don't see any posts related to your problem, it means that the problem is on your side and you have to check your internet connection, receiver settings, etc. Enter the billing and compare the settings provided there with those available in your receiver.
Title: Re: Channels are freezing, backup server doesn't decode
Post by: evrynet on 14 October 2018, 10:19:59
will do, thanks Suma!
Title: Re: Channels are freezing, backup server doesn't decode
Post by: suma on 14 October 2018, 11:06:58
Looking at your connections history, I found that your receiver is sending requests to the server several times. Most probably, ecm-timeout parameter of your emulator is too low. Set server response time 5000 milliseconds and try again.