CardSharing Server ENG > Billing - Payment system

I have no Webmoney. Can I make payment using another method?

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Currently it is impossible to use other payment systems,
but we are thinking of it. Maybe some alternatives will be
found soon.
The currency specified in the price list is Euro.


P.S. We can open an account (PayPal) and only make payments from this account.
But we cannot take money from this account.
This is the problem.

Hm but i guess there are many other convenient for "western" people services,
(the ones that u coule easily load with Your credit card ) that accept russians,
try e.g. click2pay ( they give You ATM card wchich you can withdraw with any
ATM machine, and i suppose they accept russian
next one;
they DO accept russians, (they DO accept russians... )
there are plenty of possibilities :)
sign in for such a service and count my money in for your "services" :)
and i guess many, many more :)

"""Can I make payment using another method? """"
in this moment - no
 see private ..


--- Цитата: woodyb от 29 Октября 2006, 13:56:28 ---Hm but i guess there are many other convenient for "western" people services,
(the ones that u coule easily load with Your credit card ) that accept russians,
try e.g. click2pay ( they give You ATM card wchich you can withdraw with any
ATM machine, and i suppose they accept russian
next one;
they DO accept russians, (they DO accept russians... )
there are plenty of possibilities :)
sign in for such a service and count my money in for your "services" :)
and i guess many, many more :)

--- Конец цитаты ---

Thank you for your offer,
We'll try to register for another payment system.
If it's OK, we'll give the anouncement about it.



--- Цитата: suma от 29 Октября 2006, 18:06:40 ---
Thank you for your offer,
We'll try to register for another payment system.
If it's OK, we'll give the anouncement about it.


--- Конец цитаты ---
And i am not connected in any way with those :)
just quickly found a few that are easy to use and don't take 25% for exchange as most of "XXX to weebmoney exchange " services


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