CardSharing Server ENG > CS Link 23E

Blok IP??

<< < (2/3) > >>

Moderator will check this IP later today

You are changing Cccam every time - versions 2.1.4, 2.1.1 (OsCam) - WHY? It is improperly configured.
Update your firmware and use Cccam 2.3.0 or use MgCamd 1.35.
Your emulator reconnects to the server every 5 seconds, that is why server is banning your IP.
Once you change your firmware and emulator version, server will stop banning your IP.

You are changing Cccam every time - versions 2.1.4, 2.1.1 (OsCam) - WHY? It is improperly configured.

OMG before 15:55 27,1,2016

this conektion ok 6 months other login....

today runing in 6-7hours gmt+1
now 15 hours testing on oscamm ccam2.1.1 hmm 10sec running after disconekt only server 39,, server 74 pernament timeout.

im confused receiver on to no connekt but ..100.77 no problem Where is the problem?

log when it still go....

2016/03/01 15:51:54 2BF1D4C8 p proxy thread started (thread=2BF1D4C8, label="backup_cardsharing.cc_tato", server=server_39)
2016/03/01 15:51:54 2BF1D4C8 p connecting to server_39
2016/03/01 15:51:54 2C71D4C8 c plain dvbapi-client granted (anonymous, au=off)
2016/03/01 15:51:54 2B71D4C8 p proxy thread started (thread=2B71D4C8, label="main_cardsharing.cc_tato", server=server_74)
2016/03/01 15:51:54 2B71D4C8 p connecting to server_74
2016/03/01 15:51:54 2B71D4C8 p server_74: resolved ip=***.***.***.***
2016/03/01 15:51:54 2BF1D4C8 p server_39: resolved ip=***.***.***.26
2016/03/01 15:51:54 2B71D4C8 p connect(fd=19) failed: (errno=110 Connection timed out) ///---////  (server74)
2016/03/01 15:51:54 2B71D4C8 p "main_cardsharing.cc_tato" network connect error! ////-----////  (server74)
2016/03/01 15:51:54 2C71D4C8 c dvbapi: [ADD PID 0] CAID: 0D96 ECM_PID: 1BC7 PROVID: 000000
2016/03/01 15:51:54 2C71D4C8 c dvbapi: [ADD PID 1] CAID: 0624 ECM_PID: 1BC6 PROVID: 000000
2016/03/01 15:51:54 2C71D4C8 c dvbapi: [ADD PID 2] CAID: 0500 ECM_PID: 1BC8 PROVID: 051910
2016/03/01 15:51:54 2C71D4C8 c dvbapi: new program number: 3396 (0D96:3396 unknown)
2016/03/01 15:51:55 2B71D4C8 p connecting to server_74

Your emulator is improperly configured. Why are you using Oscam?
Use mgcamd

Hmmm co riesime kde je problem alebo jak to ze mam nieco co pouzivam uz vyse roka a stale to ide??
(Hmm nothing to solve what the problem is or how it's something that I have been used for over a year and still it goes ??)

oscam pouzivam preto aby som videl logi a podobne.
(oscam used because I saw that logs and the like.)

oscam no problem ccam 2.1.1 no problem...
ccam 2.1.4 on ip PROBLEM

chage Internet IP no problem...

 Where is the problem? PLZ corekt reakcion..

nenatahovat sa blbostami ktore funguju
(stretching the crap that works)


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