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Channel: C More Live (cd) not working

Started by demysf522, 06 May 2017, 12:38:08

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 :)Good morning from Gr
Any possibility to get this channel work?
       C More Live (cd)
Last request for decoding received by the server at 11:33:49 (CEST)

Channel: C More Live (cd)

Requests rejected 381
   - Channel not decoded 381
Receiver:Amiko HD 8300 Series,NewCamd,package VIP ALL ULTRA
Maboo 1.85


VU+Zero. 13E, 82.5E, 56E, Vip All, OpenPLI 6.0 image, OSCam: 1.20-unstable_svn. ALL POSTS WITHOUT SIGNATURE AND LOG-FILE will be ignored and deleted!1.mg_cfg here [url="http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic=23717.msg58140#msg58140"]http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic=23717.msg58140#msg58140[/url]
2. ignore-priority.lists here [url="http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic"]http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic[/url]


We are talking about the same channel on 11372 v 25000 canal digital package!!
c more live hd ,I have just wrote you down about the message (not decoded) from Connections history. . .
Can you please help me with that?
Thank you
Receiver:Amiko HD 8300 Series,NewCamd,package VIP ALL ULTRA
Maboo 1.85


You entitled your question C More Live (cd) not working
What does "cd" means? Canal Digital?
When you talk about any channel, we always ask to provide channel parameters - satellite, frequency, SID etc.
The channel we are talking about is not included in the package, read https://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic=28791.msg95604#msg95604 thoroughly and understand this.
Announcement was published not today and not yesterday.
VU+Zero. 13E, 82.5E, 56E, Vip All, OpenPLI 6.0 image, OSCam: 1.20-unstable_svn. ALL POSTS WITHOUT SIGNATURE AND LOG-FILE will be ignored and deleted!1.mg_cfg here [url="http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic=23717.msg58140#msg58140"]http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic=23717.msg58140#msg58140[/url]
2. ignore-priority.lists here [url="http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic"]http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic[/url]


Upd: https://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic=18962.msg95806#msg95806
The Danish channels are fully guaranteed. Norwegian channels are available in the both packages without 100% guarantee as before. Swedish channels are not included and are not guaranteed.
VU+Zero. 13E, 82.5E, 56E, Vip All, OpenPLI 6.0 image, OSCam: 1.20-unstable_svn. ALL POSTS WITHOUT SIGNATURE AND LOG-FILE will be ignored and deleted!1.mg_cfg here [url="http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic=23717.msg58140#msg58140"]http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic=23717.msg58140#msg58140[/url]
2. ignore-priority.lists here [url="http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic"]http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic[/url]