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Dummy v Lyngsat spreadsheet (Sky UK)

Started by OPS11, 31 March 2012, 18:26:15

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Hi all,
I have taken Suma's dummy list and Lyngsat list in this post http://www.cardsharing.cc/index.php?topic=29300.0 and collated the information into a spreadsheet in an attempt to establish an easier way of establishing a definitive list of working SIDS for this server for Sky UK.

Tab 1 is Suma's list in numerical order. Tab 2 is the lyngsat list with a column added which can be filtered for Ok or Dummy.

There are a couple of anomalies in the Lyngsat channel naming plus it does include sky 3d which is not supported, however may make it easier for those to process the information.
Note that this is a snapshot in time and may change.
Hope this helps
Openbox S11
newcamd (version unavailable - embedded in firmware)
FW - C2HS2-11-10-10:0579CMT
HW Chip - 085B


DM800SE - Gemini3 - newcamd on oscam ymod - server 1
23.5E and 28.2E - SatelliteBG and SkyUK


Thanks. Still work in progress.  As mentioned above, many anomalies re channel names in lyngsat. Sky sports F1 HD and SD reversed, HD sports channels shown as pub channels and half the itv regions in the dummy list for some reason. Total mess. Why we are given a list of dummy sids and sent to another site to get working sids that are totally inaccurate is beyond me when all we need is an official list of working sids - can't be that hard. Anyway, my goal is to provide that, just might take me a few days though.
Openbox S11
newcamd (version unavailable - embedded in firmware)
FW - C2HS2-11-10-10:0579CMT
HW Chip - 085B


I don't really like lyngsat and usually use kingofsat. The info there seems to be more accurate and up to date:
DM800SE - Gemini3 - newcamd on oscam ymod - server 1
23.5E and 28.2E - SatelliteBG and SkyUK


why can they not just give a list of the sid's they are using that work?
GI S6199E newcamd525


Quote from: rudy8012 on 02 April 2012, 02:22:18
I don't really like lyngsat and usually use kingofsat. The info there seems to be more accurate and up to date:

Thanks for this, excellent link. I'm now doing the same excercise (dummy v Sid) on that info, copying, formatting and enabling a filter etc. in a spreadsheet which I will upload. It's taking a lot of time but will be worth it as the KOS listings show the TP's freqs, Sids and channels all in one view which will make it very easy to find the CSS supported channels and what TP they are on for setting up any receiver.
Openbox S11
newcamd (version unavailable - embedded in firmware)
FW - C2HS2-11-10-10:0579CMT
HW Chip - 085B


Hi all,
Following rudy8012's link to kingofsat, I have now updated and revamped this spreadsheet to include a new tab with the kingofsat listings (TV and named channels only). This is a much nicer tab and has far mor accurate information.  Filter on the column on the far right to sort out Dummys and Working SIDs for Sky UK.

Change log:
1. Dummy Tab updated with duplicates removed and non found sids listed. Also shows where Dummy Sids are FTA - probably changes or errors.

2. Kingofsat Tab added which shows TP Frequencies etc. Note that filtering on "N" shows the dummy SIDs but loses the SAT TPs, however filtering for "blanks" shows all working SIDs and TPs.

You can also filter on all the other columns as well to show "clear" or "videoguard" channels etc. 

I have built a new channel list based on the above for my Openbox S11 and it works fine so far as I have tested at this stage. I will upload the Channel file for Openbox users once I have tidied the favourites etc.

Finally this may contain the odd error - Spreadsheet crazy at 2am after a few beers! If you find an error please let me know.

Openbox S11
newcamd (version unavailable - embedded in firmware)
FW - C2HS2-11-10-10:0579CMT
HW Chip - 085B


can some one tell me how to chage the sid in your box i mean using a dreambox edit  software
Mgcamd 1.35
Sky uk hd+ viewAsia pack


Openbox S11
newcamd (version unavailable - embedded in firmware)
FW - C2HS2-11-10-10:0579CMT
HW Chip - 085B