CardSharing Server ENG > Сardsharing server


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Note: If you found your login in the black list, it means that you are banned.
The reasons to get ban are as follows:
Cascading (the most frequent violation of the rules). Your receiver sends an increased number of requests to the server. Please remember that typically, the number of requests to be sent to the server from your receiver is 1 per 10 seconds (6 requests per 1 minute, etc.). As a rule, users get preliminary (short-term) bans by the server. It means that something is wrong in your settings, or if you are sure that settings are OK, you have to check your firmware (FW). Consult support forums of your receiver, what is wrong in the firmware and download (install) a new one.
Connection to server using wrong login (password). Compare your data received in the billing with the data added to your receiver setting lines.
Preliminary connection to the sever.  If you have already purchased your subscription(s) before, you have to wait till 6 AM in the morning (Moscow time). Before buying a new subscription, be sure that you have deleted old settings from your receiver. Only after 6 AM you may add new lines with your subscription details to your configs.
Connection to unpaid port (without valid, expired etc. subscription). It means that you forgot to delete old settings remained in configs after your previous subscription. Check your configs 100 times before connecting the server.

Be noted that after you got banned, you will be notified by a message that your account is blocked due to....with the reason specified.


If you were banned for cascading, you may forget about our service forever. This is the most severe violation which cannot be forgiven.
If you were banned for other violations, please remember: your balance must not be empty. You have to contact Moderator by e-mail (Moderator at, and after the penalty is paid, your account will be activated again.

Hope that you will never violate the server rules and will never get banned!
We do not want to ban!

The following users were banned:

KIT - for trying to connect to the VIP ports though his VIP subscription has finished 2 weeks ago;
arroxsat  - for trying to connect to the port he has no subscription for.
vcurkal  - for trying to connect to the port he has no subscription for.
Saintsid   - for trying to connect to the port he has no subscription for.
KALYAM - for trying to connect to the port he has no subscription for.
simi1973 - for trying to connect to the port he has no subscription for.

Some more:

DedMozz  - purchased VIP package and has not disconnected from NTV+
andyvolk - hasn't extended his subscription and disconnected from the ports
borisxelax  - hasn't extended his subscription and disconnected from the ports

And some more banned users:

alekss - for connection to the server using 1 login from 2 receivers;
dyngara - for sending broken packages;
Yahan  - for connection to the server during 1,5 hours using wrong password (from 11:59 AM to 01:22 PM)

Before asking your questions, WHY you were banned, please read with MAXIMUM ATTENTION
one more time!!!

The following users were banned because they were trying to connect the server with their subscription INACTIVE:


fishhh - for trying to connect to the port he has no subscription for.

lexx1 - for cascading

taiti - for sending broken packages.

Please be ATTENTIVE!!!


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